What Can You Do in an Elderly Home?

Discover activities that elderly people in nursing homes can enjoy, from hand-sewing projects to tea dances. Learn about services available for tasks such as cleaning the house or doing the laundry.

What Can You Do in an Elderly Home?

Eating a meal or snack together is a great way to bond with the elderly in a home. For those with good mobility and dexterity, hand-sewing projects are a great way to pass the time. Quilt-making sessions are often organized, and the quilts can be auctioned off to help fund other activities. Embroidery projects are also a great way to make something special for loved ones.

Carpet-weaving is another activity that is fairly easy to do. Residents can work on individual projects or come together to complete a larger one. Painting is also a great activity that doesn't require precision. Watercolors and acrylics are both great options for residents to express their creativity.

Promoting wellness in the home is important, and personalized activity planning apps can help with this. Creating a playlist of favorite songs and encouraging residents to sing along is a great way to bring people together. Large sheets of letters can be printed to make singing easier. Gardening is another activity that can be enjoyed by residents, as they can work together to plant seeds and watch their garden blossom over time.

Gentle group walks through the garden or local park are also encouraged, as they provide light exercise and an opportunity for people with dementia to spend time together. Games such as “What Can You See?” are also great for starting conversations. Lawn bowling is another fun activity that can be enjoyed indoors or outdoors, and Golf Target is a similar game that can be played in either setting. Tea dances are also a great way for residents to enjoy dancing together. Art sessions are also encouraged, as they provide an opportunity for residents to express their creativity and interact with younger family members who come to visit them.

Bingo is another great activity that can be enjoyed by large groups, and there are specialized bingo games suitable for people with dementia. For those who need help with tasks such as cleaning the house, working in the garden, doing the shopping or doing the laundry, there are services available that can help with these tasks. Grocery stores and pharmacies may accept orders over the phone and deliver them to your home, while housekeepers and gardeners may be available for hire. Housewives may also help with laundry, while some dry cleaners may pick up and deliver clothes.

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